chain with spiked balls
eff Stewart submitted this

Building libraries:

Everybody likes an efficient library. You build a 36-tile library that attracts numerous warlocks (or so it seems) and your warlocks all research to death, and you get more spells, yada yada yada.

Well folks, you'll see the problem later on. See, in any dungeon keeper level, you'll need to predict the future a little. Building a HUGE library is senseless, because once you've gotten to the "There is nothing left to research!" point, you have a HUGE plot of land that has become all but useless.

"Well, sell it!" you say. Sure, you can sell it. But unless you want to take the time to figure out exactly which tiles your spells occupy, you'll end up destroying all your research. You can't move spells, so whatever room you make out of what you -do- sell will have its efficiency decreased by sporadic library tiles.

Only make your library as big as you need for any given time. Start with a 9-tile library, then, if "God" says "Your Library, is too SMALL." then grow it by one tile on two sides (keep it square).

But DON'T just make an arbitrarily huge library. It does not make your warlocks research faster and does not attract more warlocks (read the manual, folks). If there are only 2 spells available in the level, then you've wasted a lot of space.

chain with spiked balls

The myth of the portal?

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