- 30 råd fra it afdelingen
- 5 tegn ... lister
- ansøgning om indrejsetilladelse til jylland
- ansøgning om københavnsk indfødsret
- bad - for kvinder og mænd
- bad, for kvinder og mænd
- barnetroen
- brudstykker du ikke vil høre om dig selv i nyhederne
- drukguide
- emne - kone 1.0
- en lille historie om ledelse
- hallo-virus
- hvad kvinder og mænd siger
- hvor skal du hen rik
- kloge unger
- koen - en fristil
- konekædebrev
- kursusplan for kvindeaftenskolen
- kære kreditor
- manderegler
- mine absolutte favoritter
- ny matematikprøve på vollsmose folkeskole
- ordsprog på kancellisprog
- platte ordspil over arbejde
- sjove grublerier
- skodavitser
- support
- tissemandens_ansoegning
- top 5 lister
- underfundige spørgsmål
- undersættelser

- 101 things not to say in bed
- 125 things not to say during sex
- 15 christian light bulb jokes
- 15 things to say if you get caught sleeping at work
- 25 comebacks to the question - why arent you married yet
- 25 signs you've grown up
- 32 things youll never hear a woman say
- 425 pickup lines
- 59 actual newspaper headlines
- a beginners guide to proper care of floppy disks
- a first-grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students
- a letter from your wife
- actual bumper stickers
- alphabetical list of things you don't want to hear during surgery
- assorted jokes
- assorted puns
- because i'm a man
- beer troubleshooting guide
- best of dan quayle
- beware of bread
- brief intelligence test
- bumper stickers for women
- canonical list of fulldeckisms
- chinese ebonics
- chuck norris - the manliest man on earth
- cia - computer industry acronyms
- coincidences
- computer geek quiz
- computer problem report form
- confucius say
- contest of theories on any subject
- dear employee
- degrees of cold
- dont argue with children
- english language
- evolution of the programmer
- famous last words
- first page of the bible
- for all you lexophiles (lovers of words)
- funny quotes
- funnyquo
- george and the dragon
- good questions
- great bumper stickers
- great truths and other lists
- group therapy session
- guilty of murder
- hell - an answer
- how dog rules change
- how many software engineers does it take to change a light bulb
- how to bathe the cat
- how to give a cat a pill
- how to keep score in the game of romance
- how to satisfy your man or woman
- i became my own grandfather
- if you must speed on the highway
- in the beginning
- irish mothers letter to her son
- it all makes sense now - the us-iraqi war
- kinesisk-engelsk parlør
- lawyer jokes
- letter from scout camp
- linus torvalds
- male and female nouns
- men vs women
- multiple choice quiz for real men
- my resume
- new english
- new words 2005
- no fock
- noah's ark
- one-liners by steven wright
- pfizer new drug
- policy
- politically correct female terms
- program versions explained
- programming quotes
- progsong
- psychiatric christmas carols
- quotes by jack handy
- real programmers
- real women vs. martha stewart
- reasons to keep an open mind about the opinions of others
- roger and elaine (or men and women)
- rules of dieting
- rules that guys wish girls knew
- seen in newspapers...
- shift key faq
- signs found in the kitchen
- simple questions - complicated answers
- smoking tech problem
- snappy answers
- terrible analogies
- the angel on the x-mas tree
- the bulwer-lytton fiction contest
- the history of medicine
- the rules of men
- the stella award
- the warped mind of nick decamp
- things men say
- things we would never know - if not for the movies
- this is why 'sports scholarship' is an oxymoron . . .
- tough final test
- two sides of creation
- us border patrol
- warning, read the label
- warning- read the label
- why chocolate is better than sex
- wife1.0
- worldwide survey by the un

- the paradox of our time
- what does love mean