Warfare submitted this
Once you find the
hidden world from level 9, you should never
have trouble again. After killing all those
imps (other guys have already told how to do it), you
get a level 10 vampire and can use the transfer
creature box on that level to move him to the next
level.(I never saw the 2 mistresses however). Now, before the
start of each new level, if you haven't found a
transfer creature
box on the previous level to keep your vamp,
do the imp level
over (it takes 5 minutes and is fun) to get the vamp. This way
you start EVERY level with a level 10 vampire.
As soon as the
level starts, immediately possess an imp and
burrow toward
the likely spot for the other keepers heart.
Once you've found
it, possess the vamp and KILL KILL KILL.
Nothing will
stand in your way ever again.
An assortment of wise texts - yes
I'd enjoy that!