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Here is some
thing cool if u hate to have all of your
creatures fighting build alot of small rooms
not huge ones also
build a lair next to each of your rooms that
can produce
creatures like build a lair a wookshop next to your
prison and build a training room and a lairs next to your
torture chamber and one by your grave yard
this will help keep your minoins from fighting
and as 4 horny keep
him gayfully employed like always training till
u can aford it or he is lvl 10 then put him in a temple
or on a guard post but also put a hatchery next to what
ever one u put him in so he don't go that far
from it
Build alot of
temples they help keep your minions from being
angry and
they keep undead happy a scavenger room is
another place to put guys that need to remain
busy and r level 10 having alot of smaller lairs
will also let u to separate your minions thata
hate each other the the only rooms it pays to
have huge is the training room, and the scavenger room the
training and scavenger room u do that so u can
seal em off to save money
The prison it
helps to so your imps know exactly were to go
when bring your captives back this helps becuz they don't
stay frozen 4 ever
Counter a "Call to
Arms" with a "Guard Post"?