The tutorials
<corny intro>...okay, you have played around with the World Builder, you have made a couple of multiplayer maps, maybe even a skirmish map ...
now you are ready ... you want to be one of the big boys ... you want other people to look at your nick in chatrooms in awe, and whisper
"it's THE ONE"
In other words - you are ready to become a man! (or woman - no sexism intended)</corny intro>
As you go through these tutorials, download each of the maps, and play them in the game first. They explain what is happening as you go along.
Afterwards, open the map in World Builder and start looking behind the scenes.
That way you can try out the mission and scripting in the game first, and then follow along in World Builder as the secrets unfold : )
So enough with the talking - I will go over the following points (each in its own tutorial):
- Making simple multiplayer maps - how to make a simple multiplayer map, from 2-8 players
- Converting multiplayer maps to skirmish maps - how to improve multiplayer maps, so the computer can play AI teams
- Making singleplayer maps - how to make maps playable by a single player
- Creating victory and defeat conditions - how to define when a player has lost or won
- Making units follow a path - how to make units follow a path
- Making units follow a path - advanced - how to make a path where units can go different ways
- Making a busy townsquare - how to make a network of paths to simulate a townsquare
- Revealing the map - how to show certain areas of the map, or all of it at once
- Introduction to creating players and teams - how to make sure the right units are friends or enemies
- Freeing prisoners - how to set up a trigger area and a team that is to be merged with another
- Setting up guards - how to set up patrolling guards and guards that defend from within a building
- Smart guards vs. stupid guards - how to make your guards a bit smarter and harder to kill
- Setting up an ambush - how to make an area trigger an attack
- Setting up an advanced ambush - how to make the trigger and the attackers smarter
- Making a cinematic intro - how to make a little movie to start off your missions
Finally there is a very small single player mission which combines some of the smaller tutorials showing you how to make a complete singleplayer mission.
Important! Remember, if you haven't already got a good grasp of the World Builder tool, then these tutorials will be hard to understand.
Go to the introduction first, and read up on the World Builder through the links.