using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace xnafan.MazeCreator
/// Class to create random mazes with tiles as walls
/// Jakob Krarup (
/// Use, alter and redistribute this code freely,
/// but please leave this comment :)
public class MazeCreator
#region Events and related
/// Event is fired whenever a tile is deleted in the maze
public event EventHandler MazeChanged;
/// Called to fire an event whenever a tile is deleted in the maze
/// The Point where the deleted tile was
protected void OnTileDeleted(Point p)
if (MazeChanged != null)
MazeChanged(this, new PointEventArgs(p));
#region Variables and properties
/// Defines whether all corridors should stay with one tile separation, keeping to neat horizontal and vertical lines
public bool DiagonalTunnelingAllowed { get; private set; }
/// The maze as it looks now. Empty Points are zeroes and walls are ones
public byte[,] Maze { get; private set; }
//The stack of points not tested yet
private Stack _tiletoTry = new Stack();
/// The list of offsets to use to get the tiles above, below, to the right and the left of a specific tile
private List NSEW = new List { new Point(0, 1), new Point(0, -1), new Point(1, 0), new Point(-1, 0) };
/// Used to generate random values
static Random rnd = new Random();
private int _longestPathSoFar;
/// This variable stores the accessible point which is furthest from the starting point.
/// This can be used to store the position to place the target object or goal, which will give the biggest challenge for a player
public Point FurthestPoint { get; private set; }
private int _width, _height;
private Point _currentTile;
/// The width of the maze
public int Width
get { return _width; }
private set
//must be larger than two
if (value < 3)
throw new ArgumentException("Width must be larger than two for the generator to work");
_width = value;
/// The height of the maze
public int Height
get { return _height; }
private set
//must be larger than two
if (value < 3)
throw new ArgumentException("Height must be larger than two for the generator to work");
_height = value;
/// The tile where development of the maze is currently at
public Point CurrentTile
get { return _currentTile; }
private set
if (value.X < 1 || value.X >= this.Width - 1 || value.Y < 1 || value.Y >= this.Height - 1)
throw new ArgumentException("CurrentTile must be within the one tile border all around the maze");
if (value.X % 2 == 1 || value.Y % 2 == 1 || DiagonalTunnelingAllowed)
{ _currentTile = value; }
throw new ArgumentException("The current square must not be both on an even X-axis and an even Y-axis when DiagonalTunnelingAllowed is false, to ensure we can get walls around all tunnels");
#region Constructors
/// Creates a new mazegenerator with mazes starting at (1,1), and no diagonal tunneling.
/// The number of tiles across in the mazes to generate. Must include the two ekstra tiles for a wall in both sides.
/// The number of tiles from top to bottom in the mazes to generate. Must include the two ekstra tiles for a wall both at top and bottom.
public MazeCreator(int width, int height) : this(width, height, new Point(1, 1)) { }
/// Creates a new mazegenerator with mazes starting at the requested startingPosition, and no diagonal tunneling.
public MazeCreator(int width, int height, Point startingPosition) : this(width, height, startingPosition, false){}
/// Creates a new mazegenerator with mazes starting at the requested startingPosition, and no diagonal tunneling.
/// The number of tiles across in the mazes to generate. Must include the two ekstra tiles for a wall in both sides.
/// The number of tiles from top to bottom in the mazes to generate. Must include the two ekstra tiles for a wall both at top and bottom.
/// Where to start tunneling from
/// Whether the tunneling should allow diagonal routes, e.g. up, left, up, left
public MazeCreator(int width, int height, Point startingPosition, bool diagonalTunnelingAllowed)
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
DiagonalTunnelingAllowed = diagonalTunnelingAllowed;
Maze = new byte[Width, Height];
//initialize all fields as taken
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
Maze[x, y] = 1;
//start the excavation from the current position
CurrentTile = startingPosition;
//add the beginning position to the tiles to try
#region CreateMaze
/// Creates a new maze with the current size and starting position
/// A freshly generated, random maze
public byte[,] CreateMaze()
//local variable to store neighbors to the current square
//as we work our way through the maze
List neighbors;
//as long as there are still tiles to try
while (_tiletoTry.Count > 0)
//excavate the square we are on
Maze[CurrentTile.X, CurrentTile.Y] = 0;
//notify anyone interested that the tile was removed
//get all valid neighbors for the new tile
neighbors = GetValidNeighbors(CurrentTile);
//if there are any interesting looking neighbors
if (neighbors.Count > 0)
//remember this tile, by putting it on the stack
//move on to a random of the neighboring tiles
CurrentTile = neighbors[rnd.Next(neighbors.Count)];
//if there were no neighbors to try, we are at a dead-end
//test to see if this dead end will be the furthest point in the maze
//toss this tile out
//(thereby returning to a previous tile in the list to check).
CurrentTile = _tiletoTry.Pop();
return Maze;
private void UpdateFurthestPoint()
if (_tiletoTry.Count > _longestPathSoFar)
_longestPathSoFar = _tiletoTry.Count;
FurthestPoint = CurrentTile;
#region Helpermethods
/// Get all the prospective neighboring tiles
/// The tile to test
/// All and any valid neighbors
private List GetValidNeighbors(Point centerTile)
List validNeighbors = new List();
//Check all four directions around the tile
foreach (var offset in NSEW)
//find the neighbor's position
Point toCheck = new Point(centerTile.X + offset.X, centerTile.Y + offset.Y);
//make sure the tile is not on both an even X-axis and an even Y-axis
//to ensure we can get walls around all tunnels
if (toCheck.X % 2 == 1 || toCheck.Y % 2 == 1 || DiagonalTunnelingAllowed)
//if the potential neighbor is unexcavated (==1)
//and still has three walls intact (new territory)
if (Maze[toCheck.X, toCheck.Y] == 1 && HasThreeWallsIntact(toCheck))
//add the neighbor
return validNeighbors;
/// Counts the number of intact walls around a tile
/// The coordinates of the tile to check
/// Whether there are three intact walls (the tile has not been dug into earlier.
private bool HasThreeWallsIntact(Point pointToCheck)
int intactWallCounter = 0;
//Check all four directions around the tile
foreach (var offset in NSEW)
//find the neighbor's position
Point neighborToCheck = new Point(pointToCheck.X + offset.X, pointToCheck.Y + offset.Y);
//make sure it is inside the maze, and it hasn't been dug out yet
if (IsInside(neighborToCheck) && Maze[neighborToCheck.X, neighborToCheck.Y] == 1)
//tell whether three walls are intact
return intactWallCounter == 3;
/// Find out whether a tile is inside the maze
/// The coordinates of the tile to check
/// Whether the tile is inside the maze
private bool IsInside(Point p)
return p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < Width && p.Y < Height;
#region ToString
/// Returns a textmap of the maze.
/// A textual representation of the maze
public override string ToString()
string representation = " ";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int y = Height - 1; y>= 0 ; y--)
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
if (Maze[x, y] == 0)
//if it is the current tile, represent it with an "O"
if (CurrentTile.X == x && CurrentTile.Y == y)
representation = "O";
//if it is still one to test
if (_tiletoTry.Contains(new Point(x, y)))
representation = ".";
//been there - nothing to see
representation = " ";
if (FurthestPoint.X == x && FurthestPoint.Y == y)
representation = "*";
//it is unexcavated (wall)
representation = "X";
return sb.ToString();
#region ToBitmap
public Bitmap ConvertToBitmap(int tileSizeInPixels)
//create a new bitmap with a pixel extra for each tile +1 for drawing a grid around all tiles
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1 + (tileSizeInPixels + 1) * this.Width, 1 + (tileSizeInPixels + 1) * this.Height);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
//fill the grapics with grey
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
//get the current maze as a string, and replace any newlines
string mazeString = this.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
//store a fillBrush as white
Brush fillBrush = Brushes.White;
//for each tile, get a brush that is the correct color
for (int y = 0; y < this.Height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < this.Width; x++)
switch (mazeString[x + y * this.Width])
case 'X': fillBrush = Brushes.Black;
case 'O':
fillBrush = Brushes.Red;
case '.':
fillBrush = Brushes.CornflowerBlue;
case ' ':
fillBrush = Brushes.White;
case '*':
fillBrush = Brushes.LightGreen;
//draw the tile in
g.FillRectangle(fillBrush, 1 + x * (tileSizeInPixels + 1), 1 + y * (tileSizeInPixels + 1), tileSizeInPixels, tileSizeInPixels);
//dispose of the Graphics object
return bmp;